• Publish Date: August 5th, 2019
  • Chemical Peels

chemical peel is a type of cosmetic treatment used for your face, neck or hands. The peel will improve the way your skin looks and feels. The aging process, acne and exposure to the sun can leave your skin scarred, spotted, wrinkled or with an uneven tone. A chemical peel in Henderson is an excellent option for improving the look of your skin. The results you will experience will depend on the technique used and the type of chemical peel. The procedure involves a chemical solution being applied to your skin in the targeted area. This results in the exfoliation and eventual peeling of your skin. This process enables your new skin to be revealed. This skin is generally smoother, softer, has less damage and fewer wrinkles. There are a lot of good reasons to have this procedure in Henderson. This includes treating:

• Damage from the sun
• Hyperpigmentation
• Melasma
• Fine lines
• Redness of the skin
• Scars
• Wrinkles
• Acne scarring
• Uneven skin tone

There are three different kinds of chemical peels available in Henderson. The first is a superficial or light chemical peel. This uses mild acids such as alpha-hydroxy acid for gentle exfoliation of your skin. Only the top layer of your skin will be penetrated. The second is the medium chemical peel. Glycolic or trichloroacetic acid is used to penetrate the outer and middle layers of your skin. This is a more effective procedure for the removal of damaged skin cells. The third is called a deep chemical peel. The middle layer of your skin is penetrated for the removal of damaged skin cells. The deep peel often uses trichloroacetic or phenol acid. In most cases, the treatment is performed in the office of our professionals in Henderson.

Prior to your treatment, your hair will most likely be tied back. Your face will then be given a thorough cleaning before eye protection such as gauze or goggles are used. If you are having a deep chemical peel, your skin will be numbed by the medical professional using a topical anesthetic. This is effective for numbing larger areas such as your entire face and neck. You will see your results as soon as your skin has healed. This requires approximately one day for a light or medium peel and fourteen days for a deep peel. If you are having a light peel, three to five treatments are usually necessary to provide optimal results.

You can maintain your results by having light to medium peels repeated on a schedule set by our medical professionals in Henderson. You will only be able to have a deep chemical peel once. This treatment has been performed for over 50 years. The safety record is excellent. Even individuals with skin of color are good candidates for this treatment. If you have a darker skin tone, having your procedure performed by a medical professional with experience and skill in this area is even more important. This is because if the treatment is not performed correctly, Latino, Asian and African-American individuals can develop pigment issues. There are different kinds of chemical solutions used for this treatment. Some of the most popular include:

• Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA): This is a type of acid found in natural sources including tomato juice, milk and sugar cane juice. The acids most commonly used include malic acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid and citric acid. These are just a few of the different types of AHAs. The mildest peel uses AHAs. This is an excellent choice if you have extremely sensitive skin or are about to experience your first peel. This treatment is effective for fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone and dryness. A lot of moisturizers and facial cleansers contain a small dose of alpha-hydroxy acids.

• Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA): Beta hydroxy acid is a good choice for the treatment of scarred or acne-prone skin. This is because dead skin cells are loosened and the production of oil is controlled. The most popular BHA is salicylic acid. This is derived from plants and dissolves impurities through deep penetration of your pores.

• Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA): TCA is excellent for both your body and face. This provides a higher level of a peel with advanced results. TCA peels are extremely effective for the improvement of the appearance of scarring, wrinkles, acne pitting, superficial blemishes and brown spots.

• Modified Jessner Peel: This peel was created by the German-American dermatologist, Dr. Max Jessner. The Jessner peel is a mixture of lactic acid, fourteen percent salicylic acid and a disinfectant and mild antiseptic called resorcinol. This has more potency than either a BHA or AHA chemical peel. This is an excellent option for treating fine lines, hyperpigmentation, sunspots, advanced acne scars, wrinkles, sunspots and the stimulation of new collagen production.

The Procedure for a Chemical Peel in Henderson

The skill and experience of the medical professional performing your chemical peel are crucial for your results. An in-depth understanding of both the procedure and the skin are necessary to achieve the best possible results. You will have a consultation with our medical professional in Henderson before your chemical peel. This is how the ideal treatment for your needs will be determined. The details of the peel you will be receiving will be explained in full. You will be asked about any medications you are taking and if you tend to scar easily. This is your opportunity to ask questions. There are certain steps you need to take prior to your treatment. This includes:

• You need to discontinue using any Retin-A or retinol topical medication for 48 hours
• You must not have used Accutane for a minimum of six months
• You must provide the medical professional with a complete list of your medications

The medical professional may also recommend:

• Using special lotions such as a glycolic acid lotion to improve the results of your treatment

• Do not use depilatory products for hair removal, wax or shave one week prior to your treatment

• If you have a history of cold sores or fever blisters, you should use an antiviral medication to prevent a breakout from occurring around your mouth

• To prevent the chance of skin darkening, use a retinoid cream

• Do not use any type of hair bleaching

• Discontinue using exfoliants and facial scrubs one week prior to your treatment

If you are concerned about fine wrinkling, acne, dryness or uneven pigmentation, your ideal choice may be a light chemical peel. This treatment will only remove the epidermis or the top layer of your skin. This is a lighter exfoliation resulting in a healthy glow to your skin. The most common agents used for this peel are often any combination of beta hydroxy acids and alpha hydroxy acids. This includes maleic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid and glycolic acid. All of these agents are much milder than what is used for a deep peel. You can have a light peel regularly until your desired results have been achieved. The steps for a light peel are:

• Your face is thoroughly cleansed
• A brush is used to apply the chemical solution and left on for several minutes
• The chemicals are then washed off

A medium peel will treat an uneven skin color, deeper wrinkles and acne scarring. The chemicals remove your skin cells from both your epidermis and your dermis or the top and upper-middle layers of your skin. The most common agents for a medium peel include glycolic acid, Jessner’s solution and trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The steps for a medium peel are:

• Your face is thoroughly cleansed
• A brush is used to apply the chemical solution and left on for several minutes
• The area treated may become a greyish white color
• A cool saline compress is used to neutralize the chemicals

Your skin should start to peel approximately 48 hours after your treatment. This process requires about seven days. During the time your skin is peeping, it is extremely important to ensure your skin remains well moisturized.

A deeper peel is a good option if your skin has received damage from the sun, you have pre-cancerous growths, deeper facial wrinkles or blotchy areas. The medical professional will tell you if you are a good candidate for a deep peel. Phenol is a stronger chemical used for a deep peel. The chemical penetrates your skin to the lower dermal layer. To keep you comfortable, the medical professional will administer a sedative and a local anesthetic. A pretreatment is almost always necessary for this type of peel for approximately eight weeks. This is to prepare your skin for the procedure and accelerate your healing process. The pretreatment often uses a retinoic acid gel or cream. This prescription medication comes from vitamin A.

The medication will thin out the surface layer of your skin to enable a deeper and more even penetration of the chemical solution. The steps for a deep chemical peel are:

• A local anesthetic will be administered to ensure your face will be numb
• Specific steps will be taken to thoroughly cleanse your face
• After the appropriate period of time, Phenol will be applied to your face
• Water is used to neutralize the chemical
• A thick layer of ointment is applied to your skin to prevent pain and dryness
• This ointment must remain in place
• The medical professional may use medicated gauze or strips of tape in place of the ointment

The Benefits of a Chemical Peel in Henderson

The main reason for having a chemical peel in Henderson is all of the benefits. These benefits include:

• The Safety of the Light and Medium Peel: When administered correctly, any adverse reaction is rare. The only side effects of a light or medium peel include peeling of the skin and a little redness. Light and medium peels have been performed for a long time and are considered very safe.

• Helping to Control Acne: Peels often control acne effectively because your dead layers of skin are removed. These layers clog your pores and are what cause acne to occur. Once your pores have been cleared, the appearance of any existing acne can be reduced by decreasing both redness and inflammation. This occurs due to the removal of the upper layer of your skin.

• Reducing Hyperpigmentation and Scars: If you have any type of hyperpigmentation or scarring on your face, this treatment offers an extremely efficient means of addressing both issues. One of the benefits of removing the upper layer of your skin is the removal of the darkened skin cells. This enables lighter skin cells under the surface to appear. This lessens the severe appearance of most types of scarring. By having several treatments, your scars can become virtually invisible. If you have damage from the sun, such as sunspots, your results will be similar. Once you have experienced a treatment, you will discover a brighter and smoother appearance to your skin.

• Removing Blemishes: A medium peel is an effective option for helping to remove blemishes on the upper layers of your skin such as marks or scars. Once the old layer of your skin has been removed, the new skin below will be exposed. Once this skin is revealed, it should be without the blemishes.

• The Ability to Decrease Redness and Blotchiness: Redness is most frequently an issue in the upper layers of your skin. Once these layers have been removed, the fresher skin underneath will show through. This often relieves both the redness and blotchiness responsible for so many individuals becoming self-conscious.

• Improving the Efficacy of Skin Care Products: You will most likely notice your current skin care routine becomes a lot more effective after having a peel. This is because the removal of the upper layer of your skin enables much better and deeper penetration of your regular skin care products.

• Fading Away Wrinkles: When your skin appears younger, you will have a more refreshed appearance. This can help with the fading of wrinkles in the older layers of your skin. This skin was exposed to numerous factors such as pollution, particles floating around in the environment and dust. Regenerating your skin with a peel is an effective way to set the clock back a few years for a more youthful overall appearance.

• An Option with a Shorter Recovery Period: The period of recovery for this treatment is much shorter than with cosmetic surgery or laser resurfacing. A peel is not nearly as invasive, offers less downtime and generally provides excellent results.

• Benefits Without Major Risks: Not only can a peel remove sunspots, wrinkles, acne and blemishes, you will not be taking a lot of risks. The treatment has an excellent safety record, requires minimal recovery time and your procedure should only take approximately 30 minutes to complete at our Henderson practice.

• An Excellent Option for Acne: One of the biggest issues with acne is even after the outbreak has cleared, scarring is usually left behind. Sometimes these scars can be resolved over time. Sometimes they will still remain. One of the most popular treatments for acne is having a peel. This treatment offers a lot of benefits for skin prone to acne including a smoother tone and texture, helping stop future breakouts by unclogging your pores and making dark spots lighter. This is accomplished with the removal of the upper layer of your skin. This enables your healthy new skin to be revealed.

• The Development of Scars: Scar development occurs when your body is healing. Your skin attacks infections and forms new fibers of collagen. This can result in the creation of atrophic or hypertrophic scars. A hypertrophic scar is a raised and bumpy tissue on your skin’s surface resulting from the production of excess collagen during the healing process. An atrophic scar is depressed and caused by tissue loss. This type of scarring includes boxcar and ice pick scars. Research has suggested this procedure is a good option for individuals in Henderson with lighter skin and acne scarring.